FHACI, like the Oncology Unit of HSD, faced multiple challenges during the period from October 2022 to September 2023. For the second consecutive year, some goals were not achieved, such as taking care of a higher number of children who would have been diagnosed early, and reducing the dropout rate due to the deterioration of the security situation prevailing throughout the country and in Tabarre, where St. Damien Hospital is located.
Despite all the difficulties mentioned, FHACI has tirelessly contributed for 10 years to inform the Haitian public about the issue of childhood cancer. Thanks to FHACI’s continuous support, the quality of services offered at the Oncology Unit is strengthening.
The upcoming implementation of the National Early Diagnostic and Management Plan for Children with Cancer is an unavoidable challenge, and FHACI, with its 10 years of experience, has committed resolutely to this path with the support of the Haitian government, Haitian civil society, and its esteemed national and international donors.
Support FHACI
You can become members (active or adherent) and/or choose to make one-time donations.
All forms of assistance are welcome. Anyone, company, or institution wanting to support FHACI is invited to contact the Foundation’s Executive Board. The following DONATION platforms are permanently available:
Unibank Gourdes Account: 102 1021 1257808
Unibank Dollars Account: 102 1022 1257816
Paypal Account: secretariatfhaci@gmail.com
Zelle Account: FHACIUSA@gmail.com (name Jean Brutus)
Interac/E-transfer Account (Canada): fhacifundraising@gmail.com (password Fhaci2020)
Website: www.fhaci.org (donate button)
International Alliances
Fondation ALSAC/St Jude Research’s Hospital, USA
CCI (Childhood Cancer International)
Alliances régionales et locales de la FHACI:
OMS (Organisation Mondiale de la Santé)
Hôpital Saint Damien – Nos Petits Frères et Sœurs
MSPP (Ministère de la Sante Publique et de la Population)
GSCC (Groupe de Support Contre le Cancer)
AMH (Association Médicale Haïtienne)
SHP (Société Haïtienne de Pédiatrie)
SHONC (Société Haïtienne d’Oncologie)